Read our annual report 2023

Read our annual report 2023

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Explore our publications, from research papers and series to educational materials, covering all aspects of conflict transformation and peace promotion.

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Kriz Yönetimiyle Baglantili Devlet ReformuHandbook Article

[Özet makine çevirisi] Savaşın parçaladığı bölgelerin dönüşümü için devlet reformunun önemini araştırıyor. Yazar üç stratejik yaklaşım sunmaktadır: katılımcı stratejiler (yani demokratikleşme, sivil toplumun güçlendirilmesi, diyalog); kurumsal yapılanma ve kurumsal reform (yani federalleşme, ademi merkeziyetçilik, anayasal ve yargı reformu); ve güvenlik ihtiyaçları (yani insan hakları, insan güvenliği). (2004 baskı baskısı için revize edildi)

  • Year2002
  • Author(s)Günter Bächler
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Using the Media for Conflict Transformation: The Common Ground ExperienceHandbook Article

A case study of the role media can play in ethnopolitical conflict. The authors portray initiatives by the NGO European Centre for Common Ground in Greece and Turkey, Macedonia, Sierra Leone and Burundi and share lessons about the design, implementation and assessment of projects aimed at cooperating with media, promoting pluralism and fostering ethical standards in journalism.
  • Year2002
  • Author(s)Sandra Melone, Georgios Terzis, Ozsel Beleli
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Utilizacion de los medios de comunicación para la transformación de conflictos: la experiencia del Common GroundHandbook Article

[Resumen traducido automáticamente] Un estudio de caso sobre el papel que pueden jugar los medios en el conflicto etnopolítico. Los autores retratan iniciativas de la ONG European Center for Common Ground en Grecia y Turquía, Macedonia, Sierra Leona y Burundi y comparten lecciones sobre el diseño, implementación y evaluación de proyectos destinados a cooperar con los medios de comunicación, promover el pluralismo y fomentar los estándares éticos en el periodismo.

  • Year2002
  • Author(s)Sandra Melone, Georgios Terzis, Ozsel Beleli
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Kriz Dönüsümünde Medyadan Faydalanmak: Temel DeneyimlerHandbook Article

[Özet makine çevirisi] Medyanın etnopolitik çatışmada oynayabileceği role ilişkin bir vaka çalışması. Yazarlar, Yunanistan ve Türkiye, Makedonya, Sierra Leone ve Burundi'deki STK Avrupa Ortak Zemin Merkezi'nin girişimlerini tasvir ediyor ve medyayla işbirliği yapmayı, çoğulculuğu teşvik etmeyi ve gazetecilikte etik standartları teşvik etmeyi amaçlayan projelerin tasarımı, uygulanması ve değerlendirilmesi hakkında dersler paylaşıyorlar.

  • Year2002
  • Author(s)Sandra Melone, Georgios Terzis, Ozsel Beleli
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Hacia la transformación de conflictos y una paz justaHandbook Article

[Resumen traducido automáticamente] Se ocupa de los desafíos de vincular la teoría, la investigación y la práctica, y ofrece estrategias para hacerlo en todas las áreas relevantes del cambio social. El autor sostiene que las fuentes estructurales de conflicto han sido relativamente descuidadas en el análisis de conflictos y en el diseño de procesos de intervención. Hasta que esta situación no se revierta, será difícil generar relaciones estables, pacíficas y justas. (revisado para la edición impresa de 2004)

  • Year2002
  • Author(s)Kevin Clements
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Kriz Dönüsümüne Ve Adil Bir Barisa DogruHandbook Article

[Özet makine çevirisi] Teori, araştırma ve pratiği birbirine bağlamanın zorluklarını ele alır ve sosyal değişimin tüm ilgili alanlarında bunu yapmak için stratejiler sunar. Yazar, çatışma analizinde ve müdahale süreçlerinin tasarımında yapısal çatışma kaynaklarının görece ihmal edildiğini savunuyor. Bu durum tersine dönene kadar istikrarlı, barışçıl ve adil ilişkiler kurmak zor olacaktır. (2004 baskı baskısı için revize edildi)

  • Year2002
  • Author(s)Kevin Clements
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Methods of Third-Party InterventionHandbook Article

Reviews various forms of third-party intervention (e.g. conciliation, consultation, mediation, power mediation, arbitration and peacekeeping), focusing on mediation. Using a basic contingency model, the author outlines which third-party role may be most successful in which context. Critical issues are introduced, including: culture, power asymmetries, biases, timing, effectiveness, coordination and the ethics of intervention. (updated and revised for 2011 print edition)
  • Year2001
  • Author(s)Ron Fisher
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Transforming Cultural Conflict in an Age of ComplexityHandbook Article

Focuses on three distinct ways in which culture affects conflicts: culture as a lens that facilitates or blocks effective communication; culture and world view differences as the subject of conflicts; conflicts related to identity and recognition as facets of cultural differences. The author discusses challenges and concrete recommendations for process design in culturally-complex conflicts.

  • Year2001
  • Author(s)Michelle LeBaron
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Conflict Transformation through Educational and Youth ProgrammesHandbook Article

Debates opportunities and limits for conflict transformation through youth and educational work. The author explores theoretical and conceptual approaches, catalogues key methodologies, learning principles and desired outcomes for both formal and informal education. She also addresses on-going challenges.

  • Year2001
  • Author(s)Stephanie Schell-Faucon
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Participatory Action-Research in Post-Conflict Situations: The Example of the War-Torn Societies ProjectHandbook Article

Presents the case study of the UN-sponsored War-Torn Societies Project, which promotes a multi-level approach in order to facilitate conflict transformation on the ground and empower local/indigenous actors. (For current developments and projects, please refer to the website of the NGO Interpeace, which WSP has now evolved into:

  • Year2001
  • Author(s)Agneta Johannsen
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