Read our annual report 2023

Read our annual report 2023

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Explore our publications, from research papers and series to educational materials, covering all aspects of conflict transformation and peace promotion.

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PAVE synthesis reportOnline and offline (de-)radicalisation in the Balkans and MENA region

This report provides a synthesis of studies on vulnerability and resilience of communities to religious and ethno-political radicalisation in the Western Balkans and MENA region. It summarises findings relating to trends in ethno-political and religious extremism and online vs. offline dynamics of radicalisation.

  • Year2022
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PAVE synthesis reportCumulative extremisms in the Balkans and MENA region

This report compares findings on cumulative extremisms across six different countries in the Western Balkans and the MENA region. Focusing on Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, North Macedonia, and Serbia, as well as Lebanon and Iraq, it is aimed to create a synthesis of different empirical insights from a set of field-based studies carried out within the context of the PAVE project.

  • Year2022
  • Author(s)Isak Svensson, Desirée Nilsson
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PAVE working paper 5:Online and offline (de-)radicalisation in the Balkans

This report zooms in on the factors of community vulnerability and community resilience to religiously inspired and ethno-political radicalisation in the Western Balkans, with a focus on Kosovo and North Macedonia.

  • Year2022
  • Author(s)Ramadan Ilazi, Ardit Orana, Teuta Avdimetaj, Bledar Feta, Ana Krstinovska, Yorgos Christidis, Ioannis Armakolas
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PAVE working paper 1:Cumulative extremisms in the Balkans

This report summarises the PAVE project’s findings on cumulative extremism in the Western Balkans.

  • Year2022
  • Author(s)Sead Turčalo, Jelena Brkić-Šmigoc, Mirza Smajić, Veldin Kadić, Muamer Hirkić, Maja Halilovic Pastuovic, Goran Tepšić, Nemanja Džuverović, Gillian Wylie
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PAVE working paper 3:Interactions between states and religious institutions in the Balkans

Interactions between states and religious institutions in the Western Balkans are intricate and can have an impact on fuelling or preventing violent extremism. Two countries in the Western Balkans were the focus of the PAVE project’s research for this report: Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia.

  • Year2022
  • Author(s)Maja Halilovic Pastuovic, Goran Tepšić, Nemanja Džuverović, Sead Turčalo, Jelena Brkić-Šmigoc, Mirza Smajić, Veldin Kadić, Muamer Hirkić, Gillian Wylie
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Foreign Fighters and Kosovo’s DiasporaThe case of Germany

The conflicts in Syria and Iraq and the rise of the Islamic State (IS) have attracted thousands of foreign fighters from European countries to join the conflict in the Middle East. A large number of foreign fighters are second and third-generation migrants from the Middle East, North Africa and the Western Balkans. This paper aims to provide some groundwork for research on the radicalisation of immigrants, by investigating why some Kosovar immigrants in Germany have joined violent extremism organisations like IS and Hayat Tahrir al Sham. In particular, the paper identifies some of the consequences of shifting social dynamics and identity formation as the ties between the diaspora community and the country of origin change over time. The paper concludes with a few policy recommendations both to German and Kosovar political authorities on increasing the resilience of Kosovar diaspora living in Germany against radicalisation and violent extremism.

  • Year2020
  • Author(s)Skënder Perteshi
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Community Perspectives on Violent Extremism: Strengthening local factors of social resiliencePolicy brief No. 9

Dealing with violent extremism (VE) has emerged as a central framework of analysis and policy-making in most Western and non-Western government agencies. It is also heavily shaping the programming of non-governmental agencies and research institutions. While there is an undeniable need to address the phenomenon, more often than not analysis and programming fall short in understanding and tackling its root causes, factors, actors and systemic dynamics.

  • Year2019
  • Author(s)Engjellushe Morina, Beatrix Austin, Véronique Dudouet, Tim Jan Roetman
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Perspektivat Komunitare për Parandalimin e Ekstremizmit të DhunshëmForcimi i faktorëve vendorë të qëndresës sociale

Dokumenti i politikave parashtron rekomandime për përmirësimin e programimit, me qëllim parandalimin e ekstremizmit të dhunshëm (PEDH) dhe thekson nevojën që të gjitha programimet të mbështeten në analiza dhe planifikim në nivel vendor. Ai vë në dukje edhe një sërë faktorësh dhe aktorësh që mund të kontribuojnë në qëndresën sociale kundër ekstremizmit të dhunshëm. Dokumenti mbështetet kryesisht te raporti i zgjeruar Perspektivat Komunitare për Parandalimin e Ekstremizmit të Dhunshëm Mësimet e Nxjerra nga Ballkani Perëndimor, i cili sapo përmbylli një projekt dyvjeçar mbi hulumtimin, dialogun me komunitetin dhe këshillimin për politikat në Shqipëri, Bosnjë-Hercegovinë, Kosovë dhe Maqedoninë e Veriut.

  • Year2019
  • Author(s)Engjellushe Morina, Beatrix Austin, Véronique Dudouet, Tim Jan Roetman
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Перспективи на Заедниците за Насилниот ЕкстремизамЗајакнување на локалните фактори на социјална отпорност

Овој краток преглед на политика ги нагласува препораките за подобрување на програмирањето насочено кон спротивставување на насилен екстремизам (СНЕ), и ја истакнува потребата за тоа да севкупното програмирање започне со работа со локално заснована анализа и планирање. Исто така, нагласува низа фактори и чинители кои може да придонесат кон социјалната отпорност на насилен екстремизам. Овој преглед во главно се основа на опсежниот извештај Перспективите на заедницата за спречување насилен екстремизам: Лекции научени од Западен Балкан, со кој завршува двегодишен истражувачки проект, дијалог со заедницата и совети за политиките во Албанија, Босна и Херцеговина, Косово и Северна Македонија.

  • Year2019
  • Author(s)Engjellushe Morina, Beatrix Austin, Véronique Dudouet, Tim Jan Roetman
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Stajališta zajednice o nasilnom ekstremizmuJačanje lokalnih faktora društvene otpornosti

Ovaj sažetak politike donosi preporuke za unapređenje programiranja koje ima cilj sprečavanja nasilnog ekstremizma (PVE) i naglašava potrebu da svaki program počne djelovati uz lokalno utemeljenu analizu i planiranje. Također podcrtava faktore i aktere koji mogu doprinijeti društvenoj otpornosti na nasilni ekstremizam. Sažetak se uglavnom zasniva na opsežnom izvještaju pod nazivom Stajališta zajednice o sprječavanju nasilnog ekstremizma: pouke sa Zapadnog Balkana, završnici dvogodišnjeg projekta koji je uključivao istraživanje, dijalog sa zajednicom i savjetovanje oko politika u Albaniji, Bosni i Hercegovini, na Kosovu i u Sjevernoj Makedoniji.

  • Year2019
  • Author(s)Engjellushe Morina, Beatrix Austin, Véronique Dudouet, Tim Jan Roetman
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