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ማኑዋል ሃገራዊ ምይይጥ መምርሒ ንሰብ ሞያሓፈሻዊ ፅሟቕ

ኣብ ዝሓለፈ ዓሰርተ ዓመት ሃገራዊ ምይይጥ ንቲ እናወሰኸ ዝመፅእ ዘሎ ጎንፂ ንምዕጋትን ፖለቲካዊ ቅልውላው ን ስግግር መንግስትን ንምቁፅፃርን ከም ወሳኒ መሳርሒ ኮይኑ ክረአ ፀኒሑ እዩ፡፡ ዋላኳ ብመራሕቲ ሃገራት፣ ተቓወምቲ ፓርትታት፣ ጉጅለ ስቪል ማሕበረሰብን ዕጡቓትን፣ ከምኡ ድማ ብዓለም ለኸ ፖሊሲ፣ ሰብ ሞያ፣ ኣብ ዙርያ ዲፕሎማሲያውን ለገስትን ኣካላ ትን ብሰፊሑ ዝዝተዩ እንተኾኑ እዚ ተፈላጥነቶም ግና ናይ ኣምር ግልፅነት ዝጎዶሎ እዩ፡፡ ሃገራዊ ምይይጥ ልኩት ኩነት ፖለቲካ፣ መቓቓላይ ዝኾነ ትዕይንተ ጎንፂ፣ ወይ ድማ ናዕቢ ዝመለኦ እዋን ስግግር ንምሕላፍ ንዝምርምሩ ሰብ ሞያ ብዙሓት አድመዐትን መሰረታውን መምርሕታትን ተግባራዊ ሓገዛትን ዝህቡ ማተሪያ ላት ኣይርከቡን፡፡

  • Year2023
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Dagoomu Hasaawi Maxaafa Ogeeyyete biddisaanchoeQara xaphphishsha

Sai tonnu dirira, Dagoomu Hasaawa wiinamunni hala’litanno gibbo hoolatenna polotikunna mootimmate shiikko mitiimma tirate qara doogo assine la’nanni. Konne dagoomu hasaawa, gobboomu mootimma, hettisamaano polotiku paarte, dagoomu uurrinshubba gaamonna qodhitino bissa hattono kalqoomu polise, oegeeyye, dippiloomaatenna baraarsaanote kiwabba ledo hala’laduni amaalama dandiiturono xaa geesha hedonsa kaimu hedo ledo sumuu yaate ikkado diikkitino. Polotiku hekko, daga babbadanno gaancenna mitiinsitanno mootimmate reekko tirate dagoomu hasaawa shiqishanno mannira dandaami garinni halaalaancho biddishshanna wo’naalsha uytannoti shiima taje calla no.

  • Year2023
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Qajeelfama Marii Biyyaalessaa Qajeelfama Ogeessotaaf Qophaa’eCuunfaa Gabaabaa

Waggoota kurnan darban keessa, Mariin Biyyaalessaa jeequmsa siyaasaa hambisuuf akkasumas hokkaraa fi cehumsa siyaasaa qajeelchuf akka meeshaa murteessatti fudhatamaa tureera. Mariin Biyyaalessaa mootummoota, paartilee mormitootaa, gareewwan hawaasa siivilii fi qaamolee hidhatan, akkasumas imaammata idil-addunyaa, ogeeyyii, bakka bu'oota hawaasa idil-addunyaa fi arjoomtotaa keessatti bal’inaan mari’atamaa haa turuuyyuu malee, hanga har’aatti fudhatamni isaa iftoomina yaad-rimee isaa waliin wal-hinginne. Qaamolee Marii Biyyaalessaa akka tooftaa wal-dhabbiiwwan siyaasaa, haalota walitti bu’iinsa walxaxaa yookan yeroowwan burjaaja’iinsa cehumsaa bira ittiin darbuuf ifaajaniif, qajeelfama madaalawaa fi deeggarsa qabatamaa kennuuf qabeenyota bicuu qofatu jiru.

  • Year2023
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Agat Caddok Walal Miracsintih Kitab Abnissoh MerracsentaAmolladi amo Gacsa

Warrayteh tan tabna sanootah addat agat caddoh walalitte kookaxaw kalaloonuhuuy, siyaasa gadangadditte kee taqabitteey, tabaatabsitte lowsiisoonuh rakiibô silaac akkuk yemeetem tanbulle. Agat doolatitteey, anaakarta missoynaaniiy, sadar ayyuntih buttaati kee gaaduleh angagoyyay tonnaah, baad caddoh afkan (poliisi) abnisso, diplomaasi gitaa kee meqem abittoh exxaxi caddol baarle walal yakkem xiqqimtem takkay immay, taham fan ken fayxi mablâqidiinô lih missoowam maxiqinna. Agat caddoh walalitte gexsiisaanam, siyaasâ sittin wayaay, kuraabiytam xiqta booditte wonna hinnay, tabsi waktittek edde taboonuh xiqqimma intaamal gitah taniih, rakiibo lemerracsenta kee abnisso ginaanah, qoklaanam kaxxa doori le.

  • Year2023
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Violent extremism in the Western Balkans and MENA region:Key findings and implications for research

The PAVE project applied an interdisciplinary, participatory and inter-regional approach whose main objective was to advance evidence-based knowledge on violent extremism in MENA and the Western Balkans and to strengthen policy-makers’ and community leaders’ capacity in effective prevention of violent extremisms.

  • Year2023
  • Author(s)Maja Halilovic Pastuovic, Johanna-Maria Hülzer, Gillian Wylie
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Observe and ActOpportunities and challenges for the implementation of the Women, Peace & Security agenda in areas controlled by armed and political movements

This policy brief enhances our understanding of the role that armed and political movements can play as implementers of the women, peace and security agenda, especially when it comes to ensuring the protection and participation of women and girls in peace and security issues. It offers specific recommendations for international actors on how they can enhance their support for WPS policies and practices in territories controlled by armed and political movements. While this pilot-study only focused on two movements in Myanmar, its implications are relevant for the wider WPS community and policy actors worldwide.

  • Year2022
  • Author(s)Ann-Kristin Sjöberg, Véronique Dudouet, Tilman Papesch, Katharina Schmitz
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အလိုက်လေ့လာနှင့် လှုံ့ဆောင်ခြင်းပို့ဆောင်ရွက်ခြင်းမှာ အများအားဖြင့် အလွယ်တကူလည်းဖြစ်ပေသည့် အဆိုပါ အဆင့်များ နှင့် အမြဲတမ်းများအားလုံးကို ပြောင်းရန် မြင်သာလာစေရန် နှင့် ခွဲခြားခြင်းတို့ကို သေချာစွာဖြေရှင်းပေးပါသည်။ ပစ္စည်းရှိ အဆင့်များကို စောင့်ကြည့်ရန် နိုင်ငံတကာ ပြောဆိုမှု လုပ်ငန်းများကို ပြင်ဆင်ပါသည်။

ဤပိုင်းရင်းသားကိုပိုင်ဆိုးမှုအချက်အလက်ကို အလွယ်တကူလည်းကြိုးစားသည့်ပြည်သူများအတွက် ပြည်ထောင်စုအရေအတွက်နှင့်တကြောင်းတပ်မှုအချက်များအား ပါဝင်သော စစ်ကြောင်းရေးမှုများကို ဖြင့်ရှာဖွေရန်နှင့် မြန်မာနိုင်ငံတွင် ပစ္စည်းများကို ပြင်ဆင်ရန်တိုးတက်စေရန် သုံးစွဲသူများအတွက် အကြံပေးပြီးပါက အစိုးရထားသည့် ကာကွယ်တစ်ခုကို ပေးပို့ထားပါသည်။ မြန်မာ့နိုင်ငံတွင် အပြင်မှသာ ၂ ခုရှိပြီး ဤစစ်ကြောင်းရေးအရာသည် ပြင်ဆင်

  • Year2022
  • Author(s)Ann-Kristin Sjöberg, Véronique Dudouet, Tilman Papesch, Katharina Schmitz
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Leaving conflict firmly behind through the political transformation of armed groupsNotes for DDR and peacebuilding practitioners

This report compiles key lessons learnt on the political dimension of DDR (Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration) gathered through a project jointly conducted by the United Nations Department of Peace Operations (DDR Section) and the Berghof Foundation.

  • Year2022
  • Author(s)Johanna-Maria Hülzer, Véronique Dudouet, Sergiusz Sidorowicz, Thomas Kontogeorgos
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Pasqyre Politikash per KosovenParandalimi dhe adresimi i ekstremizmit te dhunshem permes rezistences se komunitetit

Projekti hulumtues PAVE ka mbledhur njohuri të bazuara në prova mbi tendencat e radikalizimit dhe ekstremizmit të dhunshëm në Lindjen e Mesme dhe Afrikën e Veriut (MENA), si dhe Ballkanin Perëndimor. Qëllimi i tij është të përforcojë kapacitetet e politikëbërësve dhe prijësve të komuniteteve për zhvillimin e një strategjie efektive parandaluese midis Bashkimit Evropian dhe fqinjëve të tij. Krahas raporteve kërkimore dhe pasqyrave të politikave, mjetet inovative të trajnimit për palët e interesuara janë zhvilluar bazuar në gjetjet e projektit.

  • Year2022
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Policy brief on the prevention of violent extremism in IraqResearch results on how to foster community resilience from PAVE project

In Iraq, PAVE researchers explored the interplay between state and religious actors, and their influence on community vulnerability or resilience towards violent extremism. Read their policy recommendations for government institutions and civil society organisations, as well as international policy makers.

  • Year2022
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