Read our annual report 2023

Read our annual report 2023

22 Nov 2023

National Dialogues at crossroads: A series

National Dialogues x Digitalisation

How does digitalisation shape National Dialogues? To what extent can National Dialogues contribute to shaping digitalisation? National Dialogues are nationally-owned political processes aimed at generating consensus among a broad range of national stakeholders. They can be implemented in times of deep political crisis, in post-war situations or during far-reaching political transition processes that impact the society at large. In this paper, Andreas Hirblinger analyses how digital technologies impact National Dialogue and how they can be used to support such processes.


Andreas Hirblinger


Over the last two decades, National Dialogues have been increasingly recognised as a comprehensive tool for preventing violent conflicts and reaching inclusive political settlements. However, questions remain open on how to best integrate certain topics in the design of National Dialogues and how to meaningfully include specific societal groups. The series “National Dialogues at crossroads” aims at addressing this gap. It compiles lessons learned and recommendations on three cross-cutting issues: climate change, digitalisation, and protest movements.

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