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Explore our publications, from research papers and series to educational materials, covering all aspects of conflict transformation and peace promotion.

De las montañas a las arenas públicasLa lucha de las mujeres exguerrilleras de las FARC EP por hacer escuchar su voz
En el tercer número de nuestra serie de nuestra serie de informes de incidencia política sobre la transformación de conflictos con perspectiva de género, Victoria Sandino Simanca Herrera, exmiembro de las FARC-EP, negociadora durante el proceso de paz y firmante del Acuerdo Final de Paz de 2016 en Colombia, comparte sus experiencias sobre la transición del conflicto armado a la escena política. Detalla los retos encontrados al "continuar la lucha sin armas" y ofrece una serie de recomendaciones destinadas a garantizar una participación política significativa de las mujeres excombatientes en los procesos de paz.
- Year2024
- Author(s)Victoria Sandino Simanca Herrera

Reintegración política y continuación de la lucha tras la guerraMujeres excombatientes en la política formal e informal
Este es el segundo número de nuestra serie de informes de incidencia política sobre la transformación de conflictos con perspectiva de género. Este documento explora las vías de reconversión política que siguen las mujeres excombatientes tras la firma de un acuerdo de paz. Entre 2022 y 2023, participamos en discusiones de grupos focales, entrevistas y talleres de aprendizaje entre pares con más de 70 mujeres excombatientes de Colombia, El Salvador y Filipinas. En esta publicación, presentamos sus testimonios y analizamos sus experiencias sobre la continuación de su compromiso en escenarios políticos formales e informales.
- Year2024
- Author(s)Claudia Cruz Almeida, Véronique Dudouet, Johanna-Maria Hülzer

From the mountains to the public arenaThe struggle of women ex-combatants of FARC-EP to make their voices heard
In the third issue of our policy insight series on gender-inclusive conflict transformation, Victoria Sandino Simanca Herrera, former member of FARC-EP, a negotiator during the peace process and signatory to the 2016 Final Peace Agreement in Colombia, shares her experiences of transitioning from armed conflict to the legal political sphere. She details the challenges encountered in "continuing the struggle without arms" and offers a set of recommendations aimed at ensuring meaningful political participation for women ex-combatants in peace processes.
- Year2024
- Author(s)Victoria Sandino Simanca Herrera

Political reintegration and the continuation of the struggle after warWomen ex-combatants in formal and informal politics
This is the second issue of our policy insight series on gender-inclusive conflict transformation. This paper explores the political re-conversion pathways that women ex-combatants pursue after the signing of a peace agreement. From 2022 to 2023, we engaged in focus group discussions, interviews, and peer-learning workshops with over 70 women ex-combatants from Colombia, El Salvador, and the Philippines. In this publication, we present their testimonies and analyse their experiences of continuing their engagement post-war through nonviolent means in both formal and informal political spheres.
- Year2024
- Author(s)Claudia Cruz Almeida, Véronique Dudouet, Johanna-Maria Hülzer

From Entry Points to Sustainable Action: Equipping Peace Processes for Accountability and IntegrityThe Case of the Bangsamoro
The Bangsamoro peace process is an interesting case study to analyse potential entry-points for stronger integration of anti-corruption measures into peace processes.
- Year2024
- Author(s)Balázs Áron Kovács

Synthesis Paper: Under crossfireThe courageous work of women faith-based mediators to prevent, mitigate and resolve violent conflicts
Women faith-based mediators use creative strategies to achieve results despite the barriers they face and while working under risky conditions. But because their efforts and achievements remain largely invisible, together with the Network for Religious and Traditional Peacemakers, we want to give visibility to these brave women, to their daily struggles as well as unmatched courage and perseverance.
- Year2023
- Author(s)Carla Schraml, Luxshi Vimalarajah

ئاڵنگارییەکانی ئاسایشی کەش و هەوا لە عیراقخاڵاکانی دەستپێکی بۆ گفتوگۆ لەسەر ئاستی ناوخۆیی
عێراق خەریکە هەست بە قورسایی گۆڕانی کەشوهەوا و زیادبوونی مەترسییە ئەمنییەکانی پەیوەست بە کەشوهەواوە دەکات.
- Year2023

تحدّيات الأمن المناخي في العراقنقاط الدخول لحوارٍ على المستوي المحلّّي
بدأ العراق يشعر بوطأة تغ رُّالمناخ وزيادة المخاطرالأمنية ذات الصلة.
- Year2023

Climate security challenges in IraqEntry points for local-level dialogue
Iraq has begun to feel the brunt of climate change and an increase in climate-related security risks.
- Year2023

"Weil das jetzt wirklich in den Mainstream reingeht“Aktuelle Radikalisierungsdynamiken aus Sicht der Praxis Ergebnisse der regionalen Expert*innenbefragung 2022/2023
Dieser Artikel beleuchtet relevante Zugänge zu extremistischen Millieus und das aktuelle Radikalisierungsgeschehen in Deutschland.
- Year2023
- Author(s)Michaela Glaser