Read our annual report 2023

Read our annual report 2023

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Students in Germany using physical learning approaches to better understand global conflicts.

International Day of Peace 2024: Cultivating a culture of peace

To celebrate Peace Day, read how our colleagues and partners use peace education as a tool to foster nonviolence throughout schools and universities.

  • feature 19 Sept 2024
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Building bridges for nonviolent changeWomen as insider mediators during the October 2019 protests in Iraq

The October 2019 protests in Iraq were notable for their scale, spontaneity, and widespread participation, particularly by young people and women. This report documents the roles of Iraqi women as insider mediators within the movement, highlighting their efforts to maintain peace and build trust among protesters, police, and other stakeholders. Based on interviews with activists across five governorates, the report also examines the gender dynamics and challenges these women faced in mediation, offering insights into their capacity-building needs.

  • Year 2024
  • Author(s) Ilham Makki Hammadi
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Building bridges for non-violent changeWomen as insider mediators in Thailandʼs 2020–2022 pro-democracy movements

The youth-led pro-democracy protests in Thailand from 2020-2022 represented a major turning point in the country’s political landscape. Women played prominent roles, demonstrating resilience and leadership throughout the movement. This research report focuses on women’s roles as insider mediators in resolving conflicts between protesters and authorities, examining the gender dynamics at play. It also explores strategies to support women in sustaining their mediation roles, providing recommendations for enhancing their capacities and effectiveness.

  • Year 2024
  • Author(s) Bencharat Sae Chua, Duanghathai Buranajaroenkij
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Policy Brief 17: Building bridges for nonviolent changeWomen insider mediators in peaceful protest movements

This policy brief examines the critical roles of women as insider mediators in peaceful protest movements (PPMs) across Iraq, Thailand, and Venezuela. Based on qualitative interviews and case studies, this brief highlights how these women build bridges between diverse actors and offers recommendations for empowering them to deepen their mediation roles. The findings aim to inform international policy actors and enhance support for sustainable peacebuilding.

  • Year 2024
  • Author(s) Véronique Dudouet, Johanna-Maria Hülzer
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