FEATURE | 1 Nov 2022
New video series on transitional justice
Explore different perspectives on dealing with the past and reconciliation
Visit the new website of our Global Learning Hub for Transitional Justice and Reconciliation to find a video series exploring contemporary issues in the field.
The website of our Global Learning Hub for Transitional Justice and Reconciliation has launched. Check out www.transitionaljusticehub.org to find news on transitional justice from the Hub's partner organisations and to learn more about their work. There is also a resources section with important documents on transitional justice, reconciliation, and dealing with the past.
You will also find a series of video interviews on some of the pressing issues facing transitional justice actors. How can guarantees of non-recurrence be conceptualised? How can families of the disappeared best be assisted? How can corporations be held accountable? What is the German experience with transitional justice? Practitioners from across the world provide answers.
To give you a preview, here is Davorka Turk on the need to change our views of veterans and Habib Nassar on how to ensure the meaningful participation of victims in transitional justice processes. You can find all the videos on our website.
About the Global Learning Hub for Transitional Justice and Reconciliation
The Global Learning Hub for Transitional Justice and Reconciliation is a network of organisations from Germany and across the world, initiated by the Berghof Foundation and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development in early 2022. The Hub reflects a diversity of experiences, benefits from the respective strength of each partner and promotes their work.
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