Civil resistance transitions: Dialogue, trust and democracy

Part three in an event series with USIP on people power, peace and democracy.
Political transitions initiated through nonviolent action are more than three times as likely to end in peace and democracy than any other form of transition. Yet prominent cases such as the “Arab Spring” revolutions in Egypt and Syria – in which nonviolent action resulted in returns to authoritarianism or devastating civil war – show that this relationship is far from easy or direct. And even when some form of democracy is achieved, many young democracies struggle to gain the trust necessary for long-term peace and stability. How can movements navigate this uncertain road from a breakthrough against authoritarianism to long-term sustainable democracy?
To better understand the intersection of nonviolent action and peace processes, join USIP and the Berghof Foundation for the third in a series of four events on people power, peace and democracy. The event series will highlight multiple groundbreaking research projects and feature insights from activists, international practitioners and policymakers that provide viewers with actionable takeaways.
Featuring new USIP research on the crucial role of inclusive dialogue and negotiation processes, this event will look at the characteristics of peace processes that most successfully foster citizen trust in a renewed social compact and long-term sustainable democratization. The discussion will also provide key insights and recommendations for activists and external peacebuilding actors working to ensure successful dialogue and foster democratic outcomes – as well as how to apply those insights and recommendations in on-the-ground cases.
Take part in the conversation on Twitter with #PeoplePower4Peace.
Civil resistance transitions: Dialogue, trust and democracy
Tuesday, 20 April 2021
16-17:00 CET
Online event via Zoom | Language: English
Panel discussion with
- Zied Boussen, Tunisian Activist and Researcher
- Veronique Dudouet, Senior Research Advisor, Berghof Foundation
- Roman-Gabriel Olar, Assistant Professor, Trinity College Dublin
- Jonathan Pinckney, Senior Researcher, Nonviolent Action, U.S. Institute of Peace
Moderator: Lise Grande, President and CEO, U.S. Institute of Peace
Media contact
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