1 Jan 2004
The News Media and the Transformation of Ethnopolitical Conflicts
Handbook Article

Presents proposals for reporting on ethnopolitical conflicts in a manner that fosters peace. The author offers a basic model to explain the impact of media, as well as discussing NGO activities and a proposal for reform efforts on the European level. (revised for 2004 print edition)
Dusan Reljic
- TA - தமிழ் (Tamil) - செய்தி ஊடகங்களும், இனக்குழும அரசியல் மோதுகைகளை மாற்றுநிலையாக்கலும். Handbook Article
- SI - සිංහල (Sinhala) - පුවත් මාධ්ය සහ ජනවාර්ගීය දේශපාලන ගැටුම් ව්යාවර්තනය. Handbook Article
- RU - Русский язык (Russian) - Средства массовой информации и трансформация этнополитических конфликтов. Handbook Article
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