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Results for 'I have to speak'

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A man lifts a pan with an image of Colombia's President Ivan Duque that reads "dialogue" during a  protest march combined with concerts as a national strike continues in Medellin, Colombia Dec 22, 2019.

Video | Event series: National Dialogues at crossroadsNational Dialogues x Protest Movements

Learn about challenges and opportunities of organising National Dialogues in the context of social protests from the launch event of our latest paper on this topic.

  • event 7 Dec 2023
A picutre of Esther Omam, Executive Director of the organisation "Reach out" from Cameroon, speaking at a workshop. Esther wears a red dress and black glasses.

The crucial role of women mediators in war-torn Cameroon, and the risks they takeGerman Africa Prize 2023 awarded to the "1st National Women’s Convention for Peace in Cameroon"

In Cameroon, women mediators manage to broker deals amidst rampant violent conflicts. Our colleague Carla Schraml interviewed a group of them for her latest study.

  • blog post 30 Nov 2023
  • Author(s) Carla Schraml
Eucalyptus plant taking root on sand dunes near Lompoul. In an effort to prevent the desert from engulfing  fertile land, the Government has undertaken tree-planting projects such as this with help from UN Environment  Programme and the UN Development Programme (UNDP). 1983.

Video | Event series: National Dialogues at crossroadsNational Dialogues x Climate Change

Watch our video to learn more about the opportunities and challenges for National Dialogues to contribute to mitigating climate-related social or political crises.

  • event 24 Jan 2024
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Video: The brain and peaceHow can insights from neuroscience advance peacebuilding?

Watch our event to discover how insights from neuroscience can advance peacebuilding.

  • event 18 Jan 2024
Ex-combatants from Colombia, El Salvador and Guatemala meet to share challenges and lessons learnt about political, social and economic reintegration.

Video: Political reintegration of women ex-combatants after warPathways to formal and informal politics

Watch the launch event of the latest issues of our policy insights series on gender-inclusive conflict transformation.

  • event 5 Mar 2024
Two men work on repairing and refilling breached sections of embankments as part of the North-East Irrigated Agriculture Project. Sri Lanka.

Video: Providing remedies for climate harmsA dialogue between transitional justice and climate justice

Watch our event recording to learn about the challenges and opportunities of providing remedies to communities affected by climate change.

  • event 14 Mar 2024
Women discussing the implementation of the Women, Peace and Security Agenda in Myanmar at an event of the Observe and Act participatory action research project.

How to empower women in conflict?Women of The Berlin Moot share their recommendations for International Women’s Day

Leading up to The Berlin Moot, female experts and practitioners shed light on why it is crucial to include women in the conversation to achieve sustainable peace.

  • feature 4 Mar 2024
The Humboldt Forum in Berlin will host The Berlin Moot from 17- 18 April 2024.

Less than two weeks to go: International peacemakers to gather in Berlin

Numerous high-ranking guests are expected to attend this year's inaugural event, including government representatives.

  • press release 4 Apr 2024
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Day two of The Berlin Moot: “We don’t need more policies, we need more implementation.”

We concluded the inaugural edition of The Berlin Moot with a call to take action in reshaping peace. Read takeaways from day two.

  • feature 18 Apr 2024
Our "Business for peacemaking" session at The Berlin Moot explored how the private sector can be best leveraged for peace.

Peacemakers call for more international cooperation to end conflicts

With the global defence budget jumping to a record high, The Berlin Moot stressed the importance of seeing security and peace as two sides of the same coin.

  • feature 16 May 2024
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