Read our annual report 2023

Read our annual report 2023

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Berghof Foundation Annual Report 2023Online year in review

Our 2023 annual report gives an overview of our work around the world during the year as well as insights into our finances and funding.

  • Year2024
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Observe and ActThe role of Yemeni political movements in the implementation of the Women, Peace and Security framework

Together with Fight for Humanity and supported by the German Federal Foreign Office, we initiated a participatory action research initiative in Yemen involving three key political movements or entities: The Islah Party (Al Islah), the Southern Transitional Council (STC), and Ansar Allah. A team of local researchers, alongside a national coordinator, set out to identify and better understand the factors that encourage the movements to promote the implementation of the Women, Peace and Security framework.

  • Year2024
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الملاحظة والفعل:دور الحركات السياسية اليمنية في تنفيذ إطار عمل المرأة والسلام والأمن

قامت منظمة الكفاح من أجل الإنسانية ومؤسسة بيرغهوف، بدعم من وزارة الخارجية الألمانية، بالتعاون لإنجاز بحث عمل تشاركي في اليمن ضم ثلاث حركات أو كيانات سياسية رئيسية: حزب الإصلاح، والمجلس الانتقالي الجنوبي، وأنصار الله. وقد أجرى فريق من الباحثات المحليات، إلى جانب منسقة وطنية، هذا البحث لتحديد وفهم أفضل للعوامل التي تشجع هذه الحركات السياسية على تعزيز جهود التنفيذ لإطار المرأة والسلام والأمن وخاصة في مجالات حماية النساء والفتيات ومشاركتهن السياسية في حالات النزاع المسلح.

  • Year2024
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Empowerment lies withinOpportunities and challenges for the implementation of the Women, Peace & Security framework by political movements in Yemen

This policy brief analysis the role that political movements in Yemen play in implementing the Women, Peace, and Security (WPS) framework, especially in safeguarding and fostering the involvement of women and girls in peace and security matters. It offers recommendations on how international actors can enhance support for WPS policies and practices in relation to political movements in Yemen.

  • Year2024
  • Author(s)Ann-Kristin Sjöberg, Wameedh Shakir, Véronique Dudouet
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Berghof Foundation Annual Report 2022Online year in review

Our 2022 annual report gives an overview of our work around the world during the year as well as insights into our finances and funding.

  • Year2023
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Berghof Foundation Annual Report 2021Online year in review

Our 2021 annual report gives an overview of our work around the world during the year as well as insights into our finances and funding.

  • Year2022
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Changing Local Governance in YemenThe areas under control of the internationally recognised government

Local governance is changing in Yemen, with far-reaching effects on the way state institutions function, on central-local relations, and on service provision and citizens’ experiences of the state. Earlier Berghof research (Rogers 2020) highlighted the ways in which war and Houthi policy were re-drawing central-local relations and the functioning of local governance in the areas under Ansar Allah’s control. This paper complements that investigation by examining the changes under way in the areas under the control of the internationally recognised government.

  • Year2022
  • Author(s)Katharina Jautz, Monder Basalma, Joshua Rogers
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Climate Change and Conflict in Hadhramawt and Al Mahra

Based on interviews conducted in two Yemeni governorates hit hard by the effects of climate change, Helen Lackner identifies the key environmental issues facing the populations of Hadhramawt and Al Mahra today. The report shows how they are connected to conflict in the two governorates, and explores what local authorities, communities and international actors are doing and can do in the future to mitigate the impacts of climate change and better manage the conflicts that derive from it.

  • Year2021
  • Author(s)Helen Lackner
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Berghof Foundation Annual Report 2020Online year in review

Our 2020 annual report gives an overview of our work around the world during the year as well as insights into our finances and funding.

  • Year2021
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Omani perspectives on the peace process in Yemen

Oman has played an important role in supporting mediation efforts since the conflict in Yemen began. The country’s amicable relations with Saudi Arabia, Ansar Allah, Iran, and other Yemeni and international conflict stakeholders has allowed it to facilitate negotiations in a manner few other countries are able or willing to realise. This comes in the context of Oman’s established history of attempting to bring conflicting parties from its immediate western neighbour to the table at critical junctures. These efforts were again reactivated in early 2021 with the facilitation of talks between belligerents in the current conflict and international representatives in Muscat.

  • Year2021
  • Author(s)Abdullah Baabood
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