1 Jan 2004
Recovering from Violent Conflict: Regeneration and (Re-)Integration as Elements of Peacebuilding
Handbook Article

Argues that (re-)integration of refugees and displaced persons is one of the main challenges and a precondition for conflict transformation. In this process, joint efforts are needed that combine development, economic perspectives and empowerment of local actors for civil-society engagement, peace education and social work. Lessons from the Balkans illustrate that coordination of activities is crucial. (revised for 2004 print edition)
Martina Fischer
- TA - தமிழ் (Tamil) - வன்மை நிலைப்பட்ட மோதுகைகளிருந்து நியாயமான சமாதானத்திற்கு: சமாதான கட்டியெழுப்புகைக்கான மூலங்களாக மீள்உயிர்ப்பூட்டலும் (மீள்)ஒருங்கிணைப்பும். Handbook Article
- SI - සිංහල (Sinhala) - ප්රචණ්ඩ ගැටුම සහ පුනරුද්ගමනය: පුනරුත්ථාපනය හා (යළි) ඒකාබද්ධ කිරීම සාමය ගොඩනැංවීමේ මූලිකාංගයක් ලෙස. Handbook Article
- RU - Русский язык (Russian) - После вооруженного конфликта: восстановление разрушенного и реинтеграция общества как элементы построени. Handbook Article
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