18 Dec 2016
National Dialogue in Mali: Lessons from the 1991 National Conference for the Nascent Conference of National Understanding
National Dialogue Handbook: Case Studies

The question of dialogue has been at the heart of inter-Malian debates for many years. The deep crisis that was revealed by the events of 21 March 2012 has undermined the social fabric and peaceful co-existence, and has weakened the state and its institutions. National Dialogue has thus reappeared as an absolute necessity in order to allow for all the children of the nation to come together again and collectively set forth the new social contract which must bind Malian women and men. Based on a thorough review of the dialogue experience gained during the National Conference of 1991, this study allows us to provide perspectives for a renewal of National Dialogue in post-crisis Mali.
Ousmane Sy, Ambroise Dakouo, Kadari Traoré
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