Andrew Gilmour

Former Executive Director (May 2020 - January 2025)

Photo of Andrew Gilmour

Berlin, Germany


Andrew Gilmour is the former Executive Director of the Berghof Foundation. He stepped down in January 2025. Before joining the Berghof Foundation in May 2020, Andrew served 30 years at the United Nations, most recently as Assistant Secretary-General for Human Rights from 2016 to 2019 and as Political Director in the Office of the Secretary-General in New York from 2012 to 2016. He previously held senior UN positions in numerous conflict zones including Iraq, South Sudan, the Middle East, the Balkans, Afghanistan and West Africa.

With masters degrees from Oxford University and the London School of Economics, Andrew was later an Adjunct Fellow of the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) in Washington, D.C. In 2019 Andrew was awarded a Visiting Fellowship at All Souls College Oxford to research links between climate change, human rights and conflict. In 2020 he became a Senior Fellow at the School of Oriental and African Studies, London.

His writing has appeared in numerous publications such as the New York Times, Financial Times, The Economist and many others. In his recent book The Burning Question. Climate and conflict - why does it matter? he explores how climate change contributes to conflict and how solutions can be advanced.

A British national whose home-base is in Scotland, Andrew is married with four children. His interests are in classical music, forestry, environment, literature and history.


Andrew Gilmour ist der ehemalige Geschäftsführer der Berghof Foundation. Er trat im Januar 2025 zurück. Bevor er im Mai 2020 zu uns kam, arbeitete er 30 Jahre bei den Vereinten Nationen, zuletzt als stellvertretender Generalsekretär für Menschenrechte von 2016 bis 2019 und von 2012 bis 2016 als politischer Direktor im Büro des Generalsekretärs in New York. Zuvor bekleidete er bei der UN leitende Positionen in zahlreichen Konfliktgebieten, darunter der Irak, Südsudan, der Nahe Osten, der Balkan, Afghanistan und Westafrika.

Andrew hat Master-Abschlüsse von der Universität Oxford und der London School of Economics und war später Adjunct Fellow am Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) in Washington, D.C. 2019 erhielt er ein Visiting Fellowship am All Souls College Oxford um Zusammenhänge zwischen Klimawandel, Menschenrechten und Konflikten zu erforschen. 2020 wurde er Senior Fellow an der School of Oriental and African Studies in London. Seine Artikel sind in zahlreichen Publikationen wie der New York Times, Financial Times und vielen mehr erschienen.

Andrew ist britischer Staatsbürger mit Wohnsitz in Schottland, er ist verheiratet und hat vier Kinder. In seiner freien Zeit widmet er sich der klassischen Musik, Literatur und Geschichte sowie der Fortwirtschaft und Umwelt.

Media work and expertise


  • Countries/regions: Middle East, Africa, Iraq, Afghanistan, Western Balkans
  • Topics/themes: UN and peace operations; Human rights; Protection of human rights defenders; Climate change and conflict

Keynote Speeches



Video and audio clips

BBC World News, 21 Apr 2022

DW News, 14 Apr 2022

DW News, 'To the point', 19 Aug 2021

DW News, 'To the point', 2 Jul 2020

'Changing climate, changing conflicts', Berlin Climate and Security Conference (2020)

Sustainable Development Goals panel, Human Rights Film Festival Berlin (2020)

Keynote address, Human Rights Film Festival Berlin (2020)

Financial Times podcast, 4 Mar 2020

'A Scots view from the UN' The first Inspirational Alba Lecture, Adam Smith House, Edinburgh, January 2020

'Human rights: A global crisis', Edinburgh International Cultural Summit (2020)

Andrew Gilmour, UN Assistant Secretary-General for Human Rights receives Sir Brian Urquhart Award, 1 Nov 2019